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February 26, 2005

More Thesaurus Roulette

Following a similar format to the spam described here, one of today's suspects fills in the blanks with synonyms to a point where I can't really tell what they're selling (and I won't follow the link to find out). In the text-only view is this gem:

Finest market for your grants.
Distinguished products at a most sensible cost.

I know, it sounds like one of those "we'll tell you where all the grant money is" scpams (yes, I'm coining a word), but I think it's the same medz spammer (different spamvertised domain, but what else is new?) as before. The subject of this pearl is ambiguous: "We can furnish the delectation of having the top-quality." Yet the "quality" buzzword is usually associated with medz or leadz spammers.

Here, then is the HTML version:

Best source for your bestowals.
Prominent things at a most judicious cost.


Posted on February 26, 2005 at 12:11 PM