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March 12, 2005

Mr. [Random Name] has $[Random Amount] For Me!

Most mortgage lead spammers want you to believe that you're hearing directly from a lender. In truth, all the spammers do is gather your contact info and sell it (for big bucks) to the actual mortgage brokers and lenders. Lenders wouldn't dream of getting their hands dirty with prospecting directly for new customers.

Anyway, if I were to believe the pitches (I obviously don't), today's collection of suspects have a bunch of similar messages following the same formula. These things have been coming in for weeks, but there is an impressive array in this batch. Look at the range of subjects:

  • Mr. Figueroa has $040,664 for you
  • Mr. Duvall has $945,537 for you
  • Mr. King has $099,050 for your family
  • Mr. Waller has $299,261 waiting for you
  • Mr. Chambers has $479,396 waiting for you
  • Mr. Dempsey has $332,922 for your family

One guy thinks I'm only good for 40 grand, while another will supposedly take me to nearly a mill.

To my mortgage lead spammer friends:

Mr. Goodman has $000,000 for you.

Posted on March 12, 2005 at 10:11 PM