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March 27, 2005

New Phish Ploy - Part Deux

No, I'm not psychic. But when I predicted last Friday afternoon that the "you've changed your email address" phishing ploy would be picked up by others, I didn't expect to see another one so soon.

In it came on this Sunday evening. An eBay phish using a very similar ploy—and the exact same IP and ISP Host data from last Friday's PayPal phish. Tonight's eBay version isn't quite as artful as the PayPal one...no eBay art, and a bit of logic that isn't very logical. The real link is to a U.K. domain with the word "ebay" as part of the domain name. Unfortunately, it's still up and running.

I guess wamu is next.

Posted on March 27, 2005 at 09:05 PM