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March 05, 2005

Phishers Getting Stupider By the Minute?

It appears that what I suspect as being "phishing kits" put in the hands of wannabe crooks don't come with very good directions. In the gazillionth Washington Mutual phishing message I've seen, the sender neglected to adjust the deadline date by which the recipient is supposed to hand over his or her identity to the crooks, or risk indefinite suspension of the bank account. The date in this message isn't wrong by just a few days. No, the deadline was Christmas of 2004, probably the default date in the template.

I mean, c'mon. The date appears in bold, and sticks out quite clearly in the message. That is, if the crook had bothered to preview the message in an HTML viewer or Web browser.

And, no, I am not offering my services to write Phishing for Dummies, despite what seems to be a sizable market.

Posted on March 05, 2005 at 09:55 PM