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A Dispatch
March 15, 2005
The Warm-and-Fuzzy LiarSpammers have no shame when it comes to outright lying to get you to visit their spamvertised Web sites. Look at this medz spammer message, whose Subject: line reads "Refill Reminder":
As a valued customer, we provide you with occassional information and updates.
Our records indicate that you may be in need of a refill.
We hope that you will once again, give us the opportunity to offer you a great selection, low prices, and superior customer care. If you would like to place an order or browse our current products and specials, please visit the link below:
Let's see what's wrong with this spam (aside from the grammar snafus).
- The From: field lists a name of "Kari Dailey" with an email address belonging to an Australian domain (ending in ".net.au"). The account name at the domain is something that a chimpanzee would have typed (11 letters, one of which is a vowel).
- The message is signed by Tonya Steckle, not Kari.
- If I'm such a good customer, wouldn't you want to address me by name, rather than a cold "Hello"?
- Most prescriptions I've received (for things that would need a refill) provide enough of a supply for 30 days. But your registration record for the spamvertised domain was issued 15 days ago. Hmmm.
- The spamvertised Web site is hosted in Russia, and the domain name claims to belong to someone in Canada. If you're so legitimate, why do you need to use a "bulletproof" hosting service?
- The domain name is an amalgam of (count 'em) five everyday words, none of which indicates anythink associated with medicine.
- I've never ordered anything from you, so how could you have any record of me?
I gotta hand it to the author of the message, however. Except for one dangling participle and a misplaced comma, the message tries to sound professional and cuddly—looking out for my needs.
But you're a spammer sending spam by way of China. And a liar.
Posted on March 15, 2005 at 10:08 PM