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April 10, 2005

Ah, So That's Why...

Like a lot of you, I get tons of phishing messages pretending to be from financial institutions with which I don't have an account. In fact I hadn't even heard of some of them until the phish message arrived (maybe the banks should pay the phishers for all the advertising—not!). I've wondered how confused inexperienced email recipients get when receiving such dire messages from places they don't know.

Well, one phisher has answered the call. One of today's Charter One Bank phishing messages has this disclaimer in small, but red type:

This e-mail was sent on behalf of the online banking community, if you do not have an online banking account with Charter® One then this message does not apply to you and you may ignore this message.

I'll fill in the missing part: If you do have an online banking account with Charter® One, then this message still does not apply to you and you should ignore this message.

Posted on April 10, 2005 at 11:03 AM