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June 18, 2006

Attention Foreign Spammers: Don't Use Babel Fish!

If you are mailing your trash to English-speaking recipients and you don't know English, then don't bother using the Babel Fish Translation web site to convert your Russian or Korean or Chinese into English. The more florid your original, the less intelligible the translation.

Here's a come-on that would make Sherlock Holmes scratch his head:

I just familiarity to let you know how well along I am with this product.
I have been mounting receiving tag people emails with vacation of tetimonials and requests for this product. It is gaining a great deal of for a second time and it is international.
I am shuffle you will have at insignificant same results and will send me a tale genuineness it.

I'm not about to follow the link to find out what they're selling, but "product" is Spamese for medz of one kind or another.

Maybe the spammer is English-speaking and wrote this lofty prose while on the medz he sells. If so, add this warning: "Side effects may include mental illness."

Posted on June 18, 2006 at 11:09 AM