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February 27, 2007

99% = 100% (?)

A Google ad appeared at the top of one of my online spam investigation resources today. The ad is for what I believe a server-side spam blocking service or product. The headline for the ad reads:

We Did It - No More Spam

But then the next line reads:

Block 99% spam everyday, or get your money back.

Call me old fashioned, but when I hear "no more," I think it means "no more," as in zip, nada, zilch. I don't have any elementary school arithmetic texts here to verify this, but I'd wager a sprinkled chocolate donut that blocking 99% of spam is not the same as blocking 100% of spam. There is also no mention in the ad about how much ham (good email) gets sidelined in the process.

Don't get me wrong, I'm a huge advocate for blocking spam at the server. But let's be realistic about the headline claims, please.

Posted on February 27, 2007 at 08:50 AM