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July 31, 2008

Now We Know Where All the Oil Profits Go

After being gouged at the petrol pump, one might feel inclined to collect a rebate:


I am Herron Thanks, Financial Controller of Exxon Mobil in London, http://www.exxonmobil.co.uk) We are seeking your assistance to transfer of FIFTEEN MILLION,FIVE HUNDRED> POUNDS STERLING to your account for further private investment.Please reply with your names,contact address and> cell phone no

Herron Thanks

Yes, this is how mega corporations invest their funds: By sending out email to anyone with an email account, and taking replies only through a yahoo.com email address. And, of course, they'll gladly put thirty million bucks into any ol' bank account, even if it's some shaky local bank whose accounts are insured only to $100K.

As loony as this 419er appears to be, I can also envision a recipient on the financial edge being desperate enough to get caught up in this scam in the hope of skimming a little something off the top. In this battle of Greed vs. Greed, funds move only in the direction of the 419er.

Herron, no thanks.

Posted on July 31, 2008 at 08:35 AM