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July 08, 2008

Storm Upping the Ante: War on Iran

Here we go again. A phony "report" of a 9.0 earthquake in Beijing wasn't enough. Now Storm is trying to spread itself on the pretense of supplying news about the U.S. declaring war on Iran. Here's the one sample I've just seen:

Subject: Plans for Iran attack began

USA declares war on Iran http://[removed].com/

There will certainly be many more variations on this theme in other messages. The destination page is in the same format as the July 4th page:

Fake Iran war malware lure

Clicking on the upper banner image downloads form.exe; clicking on the fake movie player image downloads iran_occupation.exe. The page also includes the same hidden iframe attack with the ind.php program described at length here (PDF file).

News of this nature would obviously be monumental, if it were true. Check with cnn.com or other trusted news sources before clicking on any link in an unsolicited message, no matter how official the link's domain may appear.

Posted on July 08, 2008 at 05:00 PM