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September 09, 2008

Statement of Fees 2008/09

Delivering malware via email attachments is almost out of fashion, but the approach is not entirely gone. The purpose of the email message body is to provide a believable story that entices unsuspecting recipients to double-click the attachment.

Here is today's story:

Subject: Statement of Fees 2008/09

Please find attached a statement of fees as requested, this will be
posted today.

The accommodation is dealt with by another section and I have passed
your request on to them today.

Kind regards.


The attached file is named Fees-2008_2009.zip. Unfortunately, at this hour, VirusTotal reports a mere 33.33% coverage (12/36). A lot of major antivirus makers don't report this file as being bad.

And that's bad.

Posted on September 09, 2008 at 10:03 PM