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November 13, 2008

And Malware Attachments Continue

The From: field claims to be the administrator of your email address domain. The Subject: line is compelling:

Subject: Free one year trial

If you open the message, however, you're not supplied with any information about what the free trial is about. Instead, you see this:

The message cannot be represented in 7-bit ASCII because it contains personal and sensitive data, so has been sent as a passworded attachment.

Please use the following password the read the attachment

Password: 9599

Most recipients haven't a clue what "7-bit ASCII" means, but if it's safeguarding "personal and sensitive data," it must be a good thing, right? And, after all, the file is further protected with a password.

The attached file is named Secure_Details.zip.

Unfortunately, as of this hour, only 22% of VirusTotal signature tests spot this attachment for the nastiness that it contains.

Posted on November 13, 2008 at 08:24 AM