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February 25, 2010

The Plural of "Doofus"

I wrote yesterday about an inept Bank of America phisher who couldn't shoot straight. Today another guy — a few bits short of a byte — was having problems with his attempts either at phishing or PC infection (bold face added).

Subject: PayPal - Account Review. PayPal team identified some unusual activity in your account!

As part of our security measures, we regularly screen activity in the
banking system. During a recent screening, we noticed an issue regarding your credit card account. It may have been accessed by an unauthorized third party.

As a precaution, we are requesting additional verification of your identity and payment information in order to protect your credit card against future unauthorized transactions.

Please download the Attachments below and complete the requested information. The situation will be immediately reviewed by the fraud department and we will remove any holds on this account.

Copyright © 1999-2009 PayPal. All rights reserved.

Problem was, there were no attachments to the email. No form, no link, no nothing. Just money wasted by the sender, as well as wasted global internet bandwidth, wasted server processing by spam filters, and wasted disk space on those servers who let this junk through.

I'm happiest about wasting the sender's resources. It also forced me to look up the plural in the dictionary: doofuses.

Posted on February 25, 2010 at 02:48 PM