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March 05, 2010

Warez Seller Omits a Step

I suppose there are plenty of takers for so-called downloadable or OEM software pitched by countless spam messages over the years. In the "old" days, it was just pirated software the buyer would get (if he or she got anything in return for $59). In more recent years, however, these warez sellers profit still further by embedding malware into the packages.

Thus, I got a laugh out of a spam message today that listed three easy steps to getting cheap software:

Subject: Windows7 much more stable

Hello, Dannyg
What does the "Downloadable Software" mean?

Step 1 - Download soft archive and save it on your computer.
Step 2 - Extract archive.
Step 3 - Install it and use!

Visit our Windows and MAC store

Dannyg, D33W-3459 your personal code to get 30% discount on all products.

You see, the seller left out one more item:

Step 4 - Hand over your computer and passwords to us without knowing it!

Posted on March 05, 2010 at 12:30 PM