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November 27, 2004

The Phisher Doth Protest Too Much

I don't know why I've been pounding on phishing scams lately—perhaps it's because they've been pounding on my inbox.

But today's deliveries included a bogus PayPal notice that is really counting on recipients using Internet Explorer for Windows, all unpatched. The HTML message includes a sidebar with this little tidbit:

A genuine PayPal link will always begins with "http://www.paypal.com"

Remember to check your browser's Address/URL Bar to be sure you are on an authentic PayPal site.

Please make sure the link you click on starts with "https://www.paypal.com"

(Note the conflict between "http:" in the first item and "https:" in the last.)

The message displays what looks like a link with PayPal's actual address (with the secure https: protocol), but, as I revealed in the previous entry here, the source code applies the "hex zero" trick that hides the bad part of the address in the IE Address field:

URL Exploit Text

Other wording in the message blares: "This is NOT a SCAM or HOAX. Please check your address bar to make sure you are on the authentic PayPal website." Except that the phisher's site is not served by a secure server, and will reveal "http:", not "https:" in the Address bar, as the real PayPal site does. Of course not many Web users would notice the subtle, but incredibly important difference. I've yet to see a phisher's Web site operate as a secure server, but anything is possible.

Like I say frequently in Spam Wars, the more a spammer or scammer professes honesty, the more likely the opposite is the case.

Posted on November 27, 2004 at 07:33 PM