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October 03, 2011

More iPhony Tricks

We've had the fake Apple announcement earlier this morning. And now comes an email that promises some kind of iPhone-related download:

Subject: You have been sent a file (Filename: Iphone-5298.pdf)

Sendspace File Delivery Notification:
You've got a file called Iphone-52162.pdf, (719.8 KB) waiting to be downloaded at sendspace.(It was sent by Shaniya ESCOBAR).

You can use the following link to retrieve your file:

Download Link

The file may be available for a limited time only.

Thank you,
sendspace - The best free file sharing service.

Please do not reply to this email. This auto-mailbox is not monitored and you will not receive a response.

Both links in the original email do not lead to sendspace, but rather to a web site whose domain was registered waaaay back last night. The domain has since been suspended, but I doubt that will stop the crook from signing up another.

Since the domain has been suspended, I can't say for sure that the page delivered malware. It could instead be an affiliate redirector to a medz site. In either case, it's worth noting that any email originating from, or claiming to be from, someone you don't know needs to be handled like a powder-filled envelope.

And if you think some unknown person is passing you secret iPhone pre-release poop, you are deluding yourself.

Posted on October 03, 2011 at 10:56 AM