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October 28, 2014

How Low Will They Go? This Low!

I'm trolling through some archived spam today and encountered what is one of the most despicable malware lures I've seen. Because the crook is attempting to emulate a British public health organization, it would horrify someone from the UK more than from other countries:

From: " National Institute for Health and Care Excellence" <results@nice.org.uk>
Subject: Blood Test Results Email

Dear [email address removed]
We have been sent a sample of your blood analysis for further research.
During the complete blood count (CBC) we have revealed that white blood
cells is very low, and unfortunately we have a suspicion of a cancer.
Wite Blood cells 1200 Low
Hemoglobin 12 Normal
Platelets 19000 Low

We suggest you to print out your CBC test results and interpretations in
attachment below and visit your family doctor as soon as possible

Dr. Avery Ernie

Copyright 2013 National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. All
rights reserved.

Attachment: test results 114AF-1.zip

Of course the only disease associated with this email is the malware infection caused by opening the attachment—a certain death sentence for your PC and security.

Posted on October 28, 2014 at 03:23 PM