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July 13, 2017
Phony Netflix Payment ScamDon't fall for this one:
Everybody's gotta have their Netflix so they can properly chill, and you don't want a failed payment to prevent you from getting your downloaded goodness. This email notification, titled "We were unable to collect your last payment", is truly fake news. In the image, I show the actual URL of the link, which isn't anything related to Netflix.
For the quick-to-click crowd, however, they won't notice this fact, nor that the link redirects to a Chinese site with an incredibly believable Netflix sign-in page:
This is how lots of folks give up a valuable pair of login credentials (email and password), which they wrongly use for many sites, including some corporate networks that don't implement more stringent password rules. Even in just the consumer space, if you reuse your Netflix credentials for Amazon or your AppleID, giving them up to crooks can cause you all kinds of headaches.
As always, if you receive an email like the one above, do not ever follow the link in the email. Instead, log onto the site through a previously saved bookmark. If there are genuine problems with your payment method, you'll be advised on the site.
Posted on July 13, 2017 at 12:11 PM