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July 05, 2017

Sloppy Scammer

The Subject: line promises that there's a $90K/year job opening at Apple. The body, however, has different messages about a job. First, I'm being presented with an offer "to work with us" — whoever "us" is. Three positions are apparently available at Google and Facebook. What happened to Apple? Dunno.

Phone job offer spam

Then comes a "Position Summary", which indicates just one available position that pays $75/hour. That's about $150K/year, not $90K. So what's the deal?

There is no deal.

The URLs behind all clickable links go to a domain that was registered way back earlier today. Although the name/address of the registrant is all-American, I don't buy it for an instant. The contact mail address (conceivably of the actual registrant) is a mail.ru address — our old friends of the Russian Federation.

The URLs are coded in such a way that my email address could be determined from any click I make. I'd rather not do it with this harvested address, so I can only guess at the possible outcomes:

  • Malware loading
  • Request for deep personal information that a legitimate employer might ask for
  • Recruitment as a money laundering mule

None of these leads to anything good. Unfortunately, the hot brand names will trick plenty of job hunters/hoppers into at least clicking a link. Woe unto them.

Posted on July 05, 2017 at 12:41 PM